宠物食品进口注意事项 以下三点尤其应引起重视,否则产品将无法进口到我国: 1、国家质检总局对宠物食品的出口国家/地区实施准入制度,必须获得准入后方允许向我国出口宠物食品。目前已有美国、加拿大、中国闽台等10多个国家和地区获得准入资格,允许符合要求的宠物食品出口我国。 2、国家质检总局对境外生产、加工企业实施注册制度,所有进口宠物食品必须来自已获我国注册资格的境外生产、加工企业。 3、进口商进口宠物食品前应提前取得进境动植物检疫许可证后方可进口宠物食品。 ======================专业报关清关/国际运输:都经理====================== ======================全国12家分公司 专业做进口======================== ======================网页咨询电话 专业解决您的问题===================== 如想了解更多详情,欢迎来电咨询。 进口报关清关环节细节较多,如事先材料准备充分、单证齐全均可顺利通关,在此环节我们可事先通知客户准备所需材料并申请在报关清关过程所需的文件包括相应的文件,并根据客户实际情况提供较节省成本、高效的进口供应链方案! 其他细节方面问题(例如关税、清关费用等)因产品、货量及进口口岸不同有差别,欢迎您来电咨询! Attention should be paid to the following three points in particular, otherwise the products will not be able to be imported to China:1. The State Administration of quality Supervision, Inspection, Inspection and Inspection implements the admission system for the export of pet food to the country or region, and must obtain permission to export pet food to our country after obtaining the permission to enter the rear area.At present, more than 10 countries and regions, such as the United States, Canada, China and Taiwan, have been granted permission to export pet food to China.2. The State Administration of quality Supervision, Quarantine and Quarantine shall implement a registration system for overseas production and processing enterprises. All imported pet food must come from overseas production and processing enterprises that have been registered in China.Before importing pet food, importers should obtain import animal and plant quarantine license before importing pet food.For more details, please contact us.There are more details of import customs clearance, such as sufficient preparation of prior materials, full documentation, and smooth customs clearance. In this link, we can inform the customer in advance of the necessary materials and apply for the documents required in the customs clearance process, including the corresponding documents,And according to the actual situation of customers to provide the most cost-effective, efficient import supply chain program!Other details (such as customs duties, customs clearance charges, etc.) due to the product, volume and import ports are different, welcome you to inquire! ======================专业报关清关/国际运输:都经理====================== ======================全国12家分公司 专业做进口======================== ======================网页咨询电话 专业解决您的问题===================== 进入21世纪,不断深化的国际化进程,让我们摆脱了对宠物食品、宠物行业排斥与陌生的落后局面。以每年高达30%~50%的发展速度*壮大。据统计,当一个国家的人均GDP 在3000~8000 美元,宠物食品及相关行业就会快速发展。而当前的中国,已有相当多城市达到了这一水平。北京、上海、广州等城市宠物行业都已经相当发达,以北京为例,2001 年北京人均GDP **达到3000 美元,2008 年,北京人均GDP 突破9000 美元,全国人均GDP 更是创下历史新高3381 美元。在强大的经济增长促进下,国内宠物食品及相关行业市场也出现了**的繁荣。 尽管我国宠物食品和相关行业得到了迅猛发展,但实际上,宠物食品行业更多的还是以出口为主导,国内宠物食品需求市场存在严重的盲目崇洋媚外阶段。对国外品牌跟风似地信任,实际上今天,有太多的外国品牌宠物食品在中国实现了分装与OEM代加工了,纯粹外国血统的宠物食品越来越少。国内的很多宠物食品企业,客观的说,虽然有一些从设备到卫生标准比较落后,但绝大多数是非常正规和严格按照宠物食品AAFCO标准执行的,无论从产品配方设计到原料选择、加工工艺丝毫不逊于某些国外品牌。